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About BlackBerry Curve 8900

A sleek new twist on a classic style. You can keep your finger on the pulse of what’s important to you with the BlackBerry® Curve™ 8900 smartphone.
The striking 480x360-pixel screen offers up crisp on-the-go video, images, text, maps and more. With a refined design, the BlackBerry Curve 8900 smartphone is an easy-to-use device that delivers expanded functionality and reliable results.

Balance work, life and everything in between with the BlackBerry® Curve™ 8900 smartphone.

Move your mouse over the glowing hotspots to the left to discover the great features of the BlackBerry Curve 8900 smartphone.

Camera and Video Recording—Snap and Send
At 3.2 megapixels, you can take sharp, print-quality pictures using the BlackBerry® Curve™ 8900 smartphone. Even if you’re not a natural at photography, you can rely on auto focus, auto flash and image stabilization to help you capture the moment.

When an event can’t be captured in a single instant, use sound and action to help tell the story using the video camera.2 Then share it in an email or picture message.1

GPS and BlackBerry Maps
When you need help finding your way—or the nearest coffee shop—use the built-in GPS. It’s designed to work with BlackBerry® Maps and other location-based software, to help you figure out where you are and how to get to where you need to be.2,5

Use a Wi-Fi® network to check email, shop online, stream videos and music or even make phone calls.6,7. Wireless home networks and public hotspots can give you access to all of your BlackBerry® services.

Setting up Wi-Fi networks on the BlackBerry® Curve™ 8900 smartphone is easy and switching back and forth from your carrier service can be seamless.

Multimedia and Mobile Streaming
With a built-in media player to play your songs and videos, Internet access, a 3.2-MP camera that can also record videos and support for mobile streaming, it’s like taking along your entire entertainment center every time you leave the house—without the added luggage.1 3,4

Rumput Gelora Bung Karno Rusak gara-gara Kampanye PilPres

Rumput lapangan sepakbola stadion Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) rusak gara-gara diinjak massa saat kampanye SBY-Boediono. Terhadap kerusakan ini, tim sukses SBY-Boediono siap bertanggung jawab.

"Jangan dipolitisasi. Kita akan tanggung jawab sesuai dengan aturan pengelola GBK," kata Kordinator Operasional Tim Sukses SBY-Boediono Yahya Sacawiria usai acara kepada wartawan di GBK, Jakarta Sabtu (4/7/2009).

Dalam kampanye yang dihadiri SBY-Boediono, massa masuk ke tengah lapangan, terutama saat para artis menghibur mereka. Padahal, sejak lama sudah diwanti-wanti agar massa tidak berada di lapangan rumput. Beberapa pekan lagi, lapangan itu akan digunakan untuk pertandingan para bintang Manchester United (MU) dengan pemain Indonesia.

Yahya menegaskan tidak ada larangan dari pengelola untuk menggunakan area GBK dalam acara kampanye terakhir ini. "Tiga kandidat diberikan kesempatan sama untuk menggunakan Gelora Bung Karno, jadi kita manfaatkan," tandasnya.

Seperti diketahui sebelumnya, acara ini telah menyebabkan rumput di Stadion GBK tampak kusut dan rusak. Sampah berserakan di rumput tempat sebelumnya ribuan massa berdiri, mulai dari makanan, bungkus plastik, hingga atribut kampanye.

Selain itu tampak bekas injakan kaki dan pukulan tongkat spanduk di atas rumput.


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